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Be Prepared for the 2025 Elections!
Make sure you are registered to vote!! Register Here:
- 2/18/2025 Spring Primary
- 4/1/2025 Spring Election
Spring Primary
The primary is held on the third Tuesday in February to nominate non-partisan candidates to be voted for at the Spring Election.
State Statute 5.02(22)
Spring Election
The Spring Election is held on the first Tuesday in April to elect judicial, educational, and municipal officers and non-partisan county officers and to express preferences for the person to be the presidential candidate for each party in presidential election years.
State Statute 5.02(21)
Fall Primary/ Partisan Primary
The Partisan Primary election is held on the second Tuesday in August in even-numbered years. Its purpose is to nominate candidates to be voted for at the General Election and to determine which candidates for state offices other than district attorney may participate in the Wisconsin election campaign fund.
State Statute 5.02(12s)
General Election
The General Election held in even-numbered years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November to elect United States senators, representatives to Congress, presidential electors, state senators, representatives to the assembly, district attorneys, state officers other than the state superintendent and judicial officers, and county officers other than supervisors and county executives.
State Statute 5.02(5)
2025 Spring Election- April 1, 2025
Calendar of Events and In-Person Absentee Voting Hours
2025 Spring Election Instructions to Voters and Sample Ballots
Sample Ballot - Milton Schools
Sample Ballot - Edgerton Schools
Spring Election Notices
2025 Spring Primary Calendar of Events and In-Person Absentee Voting Hours
2025 Spring Primary Instruction to Voter and Sample Ballot (B)
Spring Primary Notices
Notice of Spring Primary (Type A Notice)
Voting by Absentee - 2025 Spring Primary (E)
Location and Hours of Polling Place- Spring Primary (D)
Candidate Forms
- Ballot AcELIS-7 Ballot Access Checklist-Spring 2020-Municipal-Nomination Papers (Rev. 2019-08) (1)
- Candidates Handbook
- Campaign Registration Statement ETHCF-1CF-1_Registration_Statement
- Declaration of Candidacy EL-162el_162_declaration_of_candidacy_rev_2018_04_pdf__93268
- Nomination Papers for Non Partisan Office EL-169
- Notification of Non Candidacy EL-163
- First Day to circulate nomination papers is 12-1-2020
- Last Day to turn in papers is 1-5-2021 by 5pm, to the Office of the Town Clerk
Forms for Multi Jurisdictional Judge
- EL-18 Ballot Access Checklist Multi Jurisidict
- EL-162 Declaration of Candidacy
- ETHCF-1 Campaign Registration Statement
- EL-169 Nomination Papers for Non Partisan Office
- At least 20 signatures, no more than 100 are needed for the nomination papers