Town of Milton, Rock County, WI

Notice of Open Book


                                      TOWN OF MILTON NOTICE OF OPEN BOOK



          Pursuant to Sec. 70.45 of Wis. Statutes the assessment roll will be open for examination on May 4, 2020 -The Open Book will be by appointment with the Assessor over the phone due to COVID-19.


          Please call, text or email for an appointment. Include your tax ID number, and an email address and phone number.


          Instructional material about the assessment and Board of Review procedures will be available at that time for information on how to file an objection under Wisconsin law.

          To schedule an appointment please contact the Assessor Patrick Clark at 608-873-7936- [email protected]


          Notice is hereby given this 14th day of April, 2020 by:



                                                          Marcy Granger

                                                          Town Clerk/Treasurer




Posted: April 14, 2020