Notice of Application for a Zoning change and Minor Land Combination



        Please take notice that a public hearing will be held at the Milton Town Hall, 23 First Street, Town of Milton, Rock County, WI beginning at 6:30pm, on Monday, October 11th, 2021 to consider the following change:

                    Application of Lot Combination and Rezone of Frank Scholz-241 Austin Ave, Park Ridge IL- He would like to combine .50 acres of parcel 6-13-188.1A to parcel 6-13-188.2 to create 2 parcels- 1.1+acres each. and rezone from A1- RR to conform lots. Parcels 6-13-188.1A & 6-13-188.2 1.7 acres, Section 23, in the Town of Milton. (PZ)(TB)


        Any person interested and/or affected by this change will be given a chance to express their opinions at this time.  The Milton Town Board and Planning and Zoning will hold a meeting to review this request.


                                    Dated this 15th day of September, 2021


                                              Marcy Granger

                                              Town Clerk/Treasurer


Posted: September 15th, 2021