Weed Notice



        Notice is hereby given to each person who owns, occupies or controls land in the Townships of Milton and Harmony and the City of Milton, County of Rock, State of Wisconsin, to destroy all noxious weeds.  “Noxious weed” means Canada thistle, leafy spurge and field bindweed (creeping Jenny) and any other weed the governing body of any municipality or the county board of any county by ordinance or resolution declares to be noxious within its respective boundaries.  Wis. Stats. 66.0407(b).  Noxious Weeds shall be controlled at such time and in such a manner as will effectually prevent such plants from maturing to the bloom of the flower stage.

        “The Weed Commissioner shall serve a 5-day written notice to owner or occupant neglecting to destroy noxious weeds.  Failure to comply with this order within the time stated shall cause the commissioner to have all such seeds destroyed and the expense charged to said lands in the next tax roll.”




        TOWN OF MILTON             Bryan Meyer, Chairman

        TOWN OF HARMONY          Jeff Klenz, Chairman
        CITY OF MILTON                Anissa Welch, Mayor




Posted:   April 23, 2021

Published: April 29th 2021 and May 6th 2021