Notice of Application for Conditional Use Permit





                Please take notice that a public hearing will be held at the Milton Town Hall, 23 First Street, Town of Milton, Rock County, WI beginning at 6:30pm, on Monday, December 9, 2019, to consider the following change:

                        Application of Rock Road Companies, Inc/Rock Road Storrs Lake LLC, PO Box 1818, Janesville, WI for a conditional use permit to permit/allow continued operation of the entire quarry in the future consistent with the operation conducted at this location in prior years or, in the alternative (if necessary), issuance of a Conditional Use Permit for the eastern 35.12 acres of the quarry property (parcel 6-13-209.01) to facilitate future extraction of nonmetallic minerals by Rock Road at this location. Parcel 6-13-209.1; 35.120 acres, PT W ½, SE ¼, COM 596.24’ N of S1/4 COR, Section 25; Clarify and confirm approval regarding future operation of the quarry in a manner consistent with past operations. Parcel 6-13-208.1; 56.30 acres, E ½ SW ¼ Lying N of RR, Section 25; Confirmation or other appropriate action, that the Asphalt Plant is a lawful nonconforming use, and that use can be continued in the future. Parcel 6-13-208; PT SW ¼ COM SW COR, Section 25; in the Town of Milton.


                Any person interested and/or affected by this change will be given a chance to express their opinions at this time.  The Milton Town Board will hold a joint meeting with the Planning & Zoning Committee and review this request.


                                            Dated this 14th day of November, 2019


                                                            Marcy Granger, Town Clerk/Treasurer