Town Board and Planning and Zoning Meeting

Monday January 14, 2019 6:00pm


1-9-2019                                                                            “AMENDED”






January 14th, 2018 6pm

  1. Call to Order (TB)
  2. Confirmation of Meeting Notices
  3. Annual Multiple Dog License Review (TB)
                                       JOINT MEETING WITH
                             Town Planning and Zoning Committee
  4. Call to Order (PZ)
  5. Pledge of Allegiance

6.    Approve Agenda (PZ)(TB)

7.    Approve Minutes 12-10-18 (PZ)(TB)

8.    Police Department’s Report

9.    Citizens to be heard

10. Public Hearing Land Division and Zoning request of Richard A Longhenry Revocable Trust, 2545 E M H Townline Rd. , Milton WI. Zoning change from A-1 to A-3 for 3.6 acres that will be sold/transferred to Mr. Longhenry’s son to build a new home. The remaining 146.45 acres will remain A-1. Parcel 6-13-240.02; 150.05 acres; SW ¼, Section 32, in the Town of Milton. (PZ)(TB)

11. Public hearing on modification of existing Conditional Use Permit for McGuire Landscaping-2107 E Vincent St Milton, to update site plans to include a future building for existing landscaping business. Parcel 6-13-46.10; 4.25 acres, PT SE ¼ NE ¼ SE ¼ , Section 7, in the Town of Milton.(PZ)(TB)

12. Public hearing for Weitcloud LLC, 9910 N Edgewood Shores Rd, Edgerton, WI for a sale/transfer of land and Zoning change from A-1 to RR for .3 acres that will be sold/transferred to Richard B Lowry & Jennifer E Gusse, 8317 N Ridge Trail, Milton. The remaining 47.35 acres will remain A-1. Parcel 6-13-179; 47.65 acres; SW ¼ NW ¼ E of RR, PT NW ¼ SW ¼ , Section 22, in the Town of Milton (PZ)(TB)

13. Review sale/transfer for Merril W. Klug and Dorothy Klug. They would like to take 6 Acres + from parcel 6-13-13 and combine to parcel # 6-13-4 to connect farm fields, leaving 53 Acres + on parcel 6-13-13, leaving 46 + on parcel 6-13-4. S1/2 NE1/4 E of HWY, Section 2, in the Town of Milton. (PZ)(TB)

14. Confirm next meeting date 2-11-19

15. Adjourn P&Z

16. Bartender License for Thomas Wisersky, Jenna Walhovd, Mariah Fitz

17. Joseph Thompson requesting a $155.40 refund for refuse/recycle charge for 2006 E Vincent Rd, not using this service, just land. (was also charged on 2017 tax bill)

18. Discussion/possible action on 2019 Local Road Maintenance Contract with the County

19. Discussion/possible action on Town Hall Rental update

20. Discussion/possible action on Application of Chad Green-11605 Woodsview Crossing, Edgerton for Fireworks on Ice mass public assembly permit-firework permit

21. Bills

22. Treasurer’s Report

23. Amend 2018 Budget

24. Discussion/possible action on consideration for authorization of periodic audit.

25. Discussion/possible action on GEC and new state law on Commercial Electrical work

26. Building Inspector’s Report

27. Chairman’s Report

28. Correspondence

29. Fire Commission Report

30. CKSD Report

31. Town Highway Committee Report

32. Adjourn





“Town Board and P&Z may discuss and/or take action on any item on the agenda.”